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Putting it All Together: Problem-Solve Like an Entrepreneur

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  • Course Introduction
    • Welcome to Putting It All Together! This course is the final step in the course “Reframing Your Mindset to Be a Tech Entrepreneur and Innovator.” In this course, you will work to bring your innovation vision to paper, so you can one day bring it to the world. As you get started, take a look at your notes on your ideas and the processes that go into the entrepreneurial process.
  • Module 1: Becoming an Efficient Problem Solver
    • Welcome to Module 1! This module is Becoming an Efficient Problem Solver.

      To become an efficient problem solver, you’ll need to be able to interpret lean startup and similar innovation methodologies.

      In this module, you will examine common methodologies used in innovation work and how specific methodologies have been used in ventures.
  • Module 2: The Truth Only Exists Outside—in the Marketplace
    • Welcome to Module 2! This module is The Truth Only Exists Outside—in the Marketplace.

      One of the hallmarks of innovative thinking is the understanding that the truth—what you need to know—only exists in the marketplace. To learn about your customers, you will need to know how to work with those customers and move outside to where the truth lies.

      In this module, you will look at the use of marketplace conversations and how you can use them to identify customer needs.
  • Module 3: Evidence-based Pitch Narratives
    • Welcome to Module 3! This module is Evidence-based Pitch Narratives.

      Design is an interactive process requiring creation, critique, and revision. Since the core of innovation is design, it makes sense that the approach to technology entrepreneurship and innovative solutions is iterative. After all, it makes it possible to design your venture concept quickly for discussion and advance. An entrepreneur needs to be able to iteratively design a new venture concept for critique and advancement.

      In this module, you will sketch your plans for a new venture in support of your marketplace conversations and pitch deck.
  • Module 4: Solution Hypotheses
    • Welcome to Module 4! This module is Solution Hypotheses.

      In innovation, we set hypotheses and work with them. At the heart of it, innovation requires an entrepreneur to be able to predict a solution. They do this based on marketplace evidence. The story of your work as an entrepreneur is told in your pitch deck, which is aligned with the work you did as you designed and refined your technology solution, conducted marketplace conversations, and then refined your solutions and pitch deck. An entrepreneur needs to be able to predict a viable technology solution based on marketplace evidence to date.

      In this module, you will refine your solution and pitch deck.