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Product Management: Capstone Project

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Acerca de este curso

  • Product Management: The Fundamentals
    • Begin module one by learning about the product manager’s role and the associated necessary requirements for success. Then, explore the Porter Five Forces model, a strategy tool used to evaluate market attractiveness and aid in planning and decision-making. Next, learn about applying the Ansoff Matrix to illustrate potential product growth strategies. You’ll also demonstrate skills in a hands-on lab where you can apply the Porter and Ansoff models to a product scenario and perform a product manager skills inventory.
  • The Conceive and Plan Phases
    • In this module, you’ll explore product conception and planning. You'll learn which entries to include as part of product concept and product vision documents and how to add these entries to those documents. You will gain hands-on experience working on a product concept document in a hands-on lab. Then, discover what information you’ll include in a product requirement document. Next, learn why user stories are essential to the product backlog. And finally, gain fundamental knowledge you need to know to create a business case.
  • The Develop and Qualify Phases
    • In this module, you’ll learn about the Develop and Qualify phases of product development. Begin with the Develop phase and gain insight into the purpose and content of a beta plan. Then, explore the five areas of usability testing. You’ll apply your knowledge in a hands-on lab where you will develop a beta plan and define usability testing requirements for a provided scenario. Next, focus on the Qualify Phase. You’ll learn about readiness categories and how to complete a readiness assessment report. Then, apply your knowledge in a hands-on lab where you will use a provided scenario to create a launch readiness assessment report.
  • Launch, Delivery, and Retire Phases
    • In this module, you’ll complete your project management lifecycle journey with the Launch, Deliver, and Retire Phases. Learn about essential final positioning and marketing collateral considerations for your product’s Demand Generation Plan, and practice creating a Demand Generation Plan using a provided scenario. You’ll complete your journey with the product development life cycle by learning about the Deliver and Retire phases and discovering how to create an End-of-Life (EOL) plan using a provided scenario.
  • Final Submission and Evaluation
    • In this module, you’ll complete a final project and submit your work from prior modules to demonstrate that you have the knowledge required to complete documents utilized throughout the product development lifecycle. Then, you'll complete the final quiz to validate your knowledge. This quiz includes questions similar in style to what you may encounter in the AIPMM Certified Product Manager certification exam, however the actual exam has a lot more questions.
  • (Bonus) Portfolio Development and Job Readiness
    • In this bonus module, discover how to create an impactful personal portfolio that demonstrates your product management career readiness. This module also includes valuable resume preparation and job search tips.