Problem-Solving Skills for University Success

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to Problem-Solving Skills for University Success
    • After this module, you will be able to 1. Understand the structure & expectations of the course 2. Understand expectations about Problem-Solving within academic culture 3. Articulate the skills & dispositions needed for Problem-Solving 4. Demonstrate awareness of ethical issues related to academic integrity surrounding Problem-Solving
  • Categorise Problems & The Problem-Solving Process
    • After this module, you will be able to 1. Categorize different problems based on their type 2. Identify the different problem types most common at university 3. Recognise language associated with descriptive & analytical problem types 4. Recognise & apply the four-step problem solving process
  • Understanding Problems, Generating Solutions & Solution Paths
    • After this module, you will be able to 1. Apply strategies to help you better understand a problem & identify the goal of a problem 2. Generate ideas or approaches for solving a problem 3. Apply strategies to help you find alternative solutions 4. Recognise the place of research & evidence in problem solving 5. Identify & justify formulas, theories or outside tools required for problem solving.
  • Taking Creative & Critical Approaches to Solving Problems, & Evaluating Solutions
    • After this module, you will be able to 1. Change analogies & viewpoints to solve problems. 2. Apply a variety of forms of reasoning & thinking. 3. Employ creative techniques to the solution of problems. 4. Evaluate a number of solutions to a problem to determine the best one.
  • Communicating Solutions & Solving Problems in Academic Life
    • After this module, you will be able to 1. Communicate your solutions to problems to your audience. 2. Study for university exams, & communicate your solutions to problems in exams. 3. Deal with competing priorities at university. 4. Find solutions to problems that can occur at university.
  • Summative Assessment