Object Oriented Development using C#

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  • Basics of C# programming
    • This module will provide crucial information about object-oriented (OO) programming using C# programming language. This module covers the basic information about classes, objects, properties, static and non-static members, control statements, and the difference between call by value and call by reference.
  • Object Oriented Concepts
    • This module will provide the main concepts of object-oriented programming including data encapsulation, inheritance, abstract classes, interface, and polymorphism. Moreover, this module covers the exception handling techniques using language-defined exceptions and user-defined exceptions.
  • Data collection
    • This module will cover various pre-defined data structures in the C# programming languages. The module will cover the various types of arrays including one-dimensional arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, and jagged arrays. Then, the generic data collections are discussed and explained. Various generic data types will be covered in this module such as List, Dictionary, SortedList, Stack, Queue, etc.
  • Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
    • The majority of the software systems involve some kind of database transactions including storing and retrieving the data from a data source. Often time, a software engineers needs to learn more than one way to query the data. The LINQ language solves this problem by standardizing the way to query the data from a data source and hence making software engineers focus on the business logic. This module will provide a comprehensive description of the LINQ language and how to use it to query data from a data source.