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Noongar Language and Culture

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Acerca de este curso

Module 1 – An introduction to speaking Noongar

In this first module, you will learn the basic principles of Noongar language. You will learn how to pronounce common Noongar sounds (vowels and consonants) and examine overall sentence structure and regional differences.

Module 2 – Wandjoo Noongar boodja (Welcome to Noongar country)

In this second module, you will examine Noongar people, their boodja (country) and important cultural protocols concerning boodja. You will be guided through the six Noongar seasons and learn about various aspects of Noongar spirituality including creation beliefs and totems.

**Module 3 – Koori yeyi (Past to today) **

In this third module, you will examine Noongar society pre-colonisation and learn about the key events (and rising tensions) that occurred following the arrival of the British settlers in 1826. Catastrophic segregation policies, land dispossession, and the attempted assimilation and genocide of Noongar culture and people will also be discussed. This module concludes by recognising the importance of reviving and celebrating culture today.

Module 4 – Ngalang moort koort (Family is our heart)

In this fourth module, you will learn about the heart of Noongar people’s lives - that of moort (family) and community. The kinship system, and the terms that identify who is who in the extended network that makes up Noongar families will be explored. This module will also illustrate ways in which family and communities ensure that culture and language are taught to younger generations.

Module 5 – Warangka, wongka, nyumbi (Song, story and dance)

Dance, music and art have always played a central role in Noongar culture. In this module, you will look at examples of how dance, music, and art have helped to strengthen cultural identity and build relationships not only for Noongar people – but also the wadjela (whitefellas) community.

Module 6 - Ngalang boodja moordit j (Our great country)

In this final module, you will return to boodja (country), to explore knowledge embedded in the land through bush medicines, bush foods, names of places, and in Noongar words themselves. This module aims to give you a glimpse into reading the land the ‘Noongar way’.