New Space: Access to space - Basics

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  • Introduction
  • The launchers
    • The NewSpace is a wide concept that emerged more than ten years. It is difficult to define, but it is relatively feasible to explore the consequences of NewSpace on orbital transportation. The access to space, that’s the major point. In this field, a real revolution has taken place. It is the result of several factors, which are actually the maturity of what was developed in the "traditional space" (or classical) that still has its full place today. The balances have been modified, and this Mooc presents precisely - for access to space - the main issues, openings, technologies, and perspectives that are offered to us.
  • Rocket engines basics
    • The propulsion system is the most important subsystem of any launch vehicle: it provides the thrust and Isp needed to complete the mission. The objective of this week is to provide you with an introduction to the rocket engines used in launch vehicles for space access. You will understand the fundamentals of propulsion systems, and you will understand how to relate the propulsion system to the launch vehicle mission analysis. This will allow you to understand, next week, how disruptive technologies and innovative methodologies in the new space affect the future generation of rocket engines.
      The week starts with an introduction to how rocket engines work, some orders of magnitude of power, and an introduction to fundamental performance parameters. Then the different types of rocket engines will be presented: liquid, solid, and hybrid. The week will end with a focus on liquid propellant engine technologies: subsystems and cycles.
  • Newspace for space access
    • In this week you will be able to understand what are the main aspects that characterize access to space in the new space. Using the knowledge you gained in week 1 on mission analysis and week 2 on propulsion systems, you will be able to understand how the design, production, and use of launchers and rockets are affected by the New Space. During this week, we will give you an overview of the production methodologies and the main disruptive technologies that characterize New Space rockets and launchers. Finally, we will discuss sustainable space, highlighting both the issues raised by New Space and the actions that could be taken.
  • General assessment
    • In this final graded assessment, you will check your knowledge and apply it.