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MLOps Platforms: Amazon SageMaker and Azure ML

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Acerca de este curso

  • Data Engineering with AWS Technology
    • This week you will learn how to build data engineering solutions on AWS and apply it by building a data engineering pipeline with AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis with AWS Technology
    • This week you will compose data engineering solutions using AWS technology and apply it by building data science notebooks.
  • Modeling with AWS Technology
    • This week you will compose machine learning modeling solutions using AWS technology and apply it by building a linear regression model that runs inside a command-line tool.
  • MLOps with AWS Technology
    • This week you will learn to deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions using AWS technology and apply it by fine-tuning a Hugging face model using Sagemaker Studio Lab.
  • Machine Learning Certifications
    • This week you will learn about Machine Learning certifications from the major cloud providers and how to apply them to MLOps. You will learn about services related to Machine Learning and ML Engineering tasks like AutoML and how they apply to the certifications.