Measuring Causal Effects in the Social Sciences

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Acerca de este curso

  • The Nature of Causal Effects and How to Measure Them
    • Welcome to the first week of the course! Thıs week we are looking at the nature of causal effects and how to measure them.
  • The Multivariate Regression Model and Mediating Factors
    • This second module introduces you multivariate regression model and the concept of mediating factors.
  • Randomized Controlled Trials
    • In this third week of the course we are having a closer look at causality and the randomzied controlled trial.
  • Instrumental Variables
    • The fourth week of the course we will go through the concept of instrumental variables.
  • Difference in Difference
    • The final module of the course deals with the difference in difference. We hope you enjoyed the course and have learned something that you can use in your future work and research.