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¡Luces, celular y acción! Crea contenidos audiovisuales de impacto

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    Guía de Registro en edX

Acerca de este curso

Lesson 1. Creative works and their value

  • - Welcome and introduction to the course: the essentials. The creative experience and the audiovisual challenge.
  • - Am I part of the cultural and creative industries (CCI)?
  • - What does sector, ecosystem and value chain refer to in CCIs?
  • - What is the value of what I do? Symbolic value, creative production and artistic vision.
  • - Who is my public, audience, market, client and user?

Lesson 2. Creation of audiovisual content

  • - Narratives and creation of audiovisual content.
  • - The message.
  • - Effective communication.
  • - Storytelling , method and tool.
  • - Value proposition statement.
  • - Analysis and creation of audiences.
  • - Profiles and segmentation.

Lesson 3. Pre-production audiovisual content

  • - Creation of the message: idea, script and audiovisual language.
  • - Transforming your story into images: storyboard , script and audiovisual language.
  • - Content creation strategy: pre-production and planning.
  • - Effective copy.

Lesson 4. Audiovisual content production

  • - Production strategy.
  • - Resources and tools.
  • - Image and movement. Shot, framing and shot.
  • - Image and movement. Camera.
  • - Image and movement. Photography, lighting.
  • - Audio. Sound.
  • - Let's record!

Lesson 5. Post-production audiovisual content

  • - Postproduction Strategy. Recording formats.
  • - Edition and assembly. Editing process.
  • - Musicalization and sound design.
  • - Editing tools.
  • - Analog and digital tricks. Basic visual effects.

Lesson 6. Strategic dissemination

Distribution, circulation and exhibition of audiovisual content.

  • Platform management. Diversity and complementation of platforms and channels.
  • How does a YouTube channel work? YouTubeStudio.
  • Performance and operation. What is measured and how to optimize your channel (SEO) YouTube Analytics.
  • How to take advantage of a YouTube channel?

Lesson 7. Promotion and growth

  • - Marketing of audiovisual products. Brand identity.
  • - Marketing strategies for content creators, campaigns, premieres.
  • - Collaborations and alliances.
  • - Platforms and followers.
  • - Community and fan management.
  • - Interactions and netiquette .

Lesson 8. Copyright and publishing policies on YouTube

  • - Introduction to copyright.
  • - Moral and patrimonial rights.
  • - Licenses and use of third party intellectual property.
  • - Recommendations for publishing content on YouTube.

Lesson 9. Monetization

  • - Monetization schemes on platforms.
  • - Lives announcements ( superchats , donations, stickers ).
  • - Other platforms.
  • - Subscriptions for channel members.
  • - Direct transfers and donations.
  • - Derived products and merchandise.

Lesson 10. Growth and next steps

  • - Escalation.
  • - Long-term content creation.
  • - Trends and future Google Trends.
  • - Certification.