JavaScript Basics

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Acerca de este curso

  • Getting Started, Introduction to JavaScript, Variables, and Arrays
    • In this module, you will be introduced to JavaScript and what it can do. You will be able to identify websites that include the types of interactions you will be able to produce at the end of the entire Specialization. You will also be able to discuss the history of JavaScript and explore why this history impacts how we write JavaScript. On the web, JavaScript is used to manipulate the HTML and CSS of a webpage, after it has loaded from the server. You will be able to assess your understanding of HTML and CSS and have the opportunity through resources and recommendations for improving your skills in this area, if necessary. You will write simple JavaScript statements in the web browser console and be able to create variables and arrays. You will be able to assign values to these variables and arrays and be able to read values from them.
  • Controlling Logical Flow in JavaScript
    • In this module, you will be able to download, install and use of a code editor as a tool for writing code, and properly save and manage their files. You will be introduced to the selection control structure. This basic control structure allows programs to follow a path based on conditions, and is one of the three major logic and flow control structures found in any modern programming language. You will be able to identify, write, and trouble shoot scripts using this basic control structure. You will be able to correctly identify loop structures and practice using some of the syntax available in JavaScript to create loops. You will then be able to put all three logical flow control structures (sequence, selection, and loop) together to create basic JavaScript programs that can be tested. Finally you will be able to combine sets of program instructions into named functions and create custom functions that can be called to complete the instructions they contain.
  • Using JavaScript in the Web Browser
    • In this module, you will be introduced to the methods built into JavaScript for accessing and manipulating DOM elements in the web browser. You will be able to capture user events with JavaScript and use those events to trigger changes to the DOM using the document methods and element properties. You will be able to identify how scope works in JavaScript and be introduced to best practices for working with variables in JavaScript so that scope does not become a problem. You will be able to practice all the skills and techniques learned so far in the course by putting together a simple slideshow on a web page.
  • Basic JavaScript Application Projects
    • In this module, you will be able to apply and practice the skills and techniques you have learned in the course by building a basic and a more advanced distance converter. You will be able to further apply and practice to extend your skills and techniques by building a simple vacation destination list application.