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Java Database Connectivity

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Course 1: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Introduction
- Offered by LearnQuest. The intent of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Introduction is to get some hands-on experience with foundational ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures
- Offered by LearnQuest. This is the second course in Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and builds upon the core principals and techniques in ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: Java Data Access - SQL Primer
- Offered by LearnQuest. This course will introduce the student to the basic concepts of SQL for interaction with Relational Databases. It ... Enroll for free.

Course 4: Jakarta Persistence (JPA)
- Offered by LearnQuest. This course takes the student through a variety of labs exploring the interaction between Java Object Domain Models ... Enroll for free.