Introduction to High-Performance and Parallel Computing

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Acerca de este curso

  • High-Performance Computing (HPC) for Non-Computer Scientists
    • Get to know the basics of an HPC system. Users will learn how to work with common high performance computing systems they may encounter in future efforts. This includes navigating filesystems, working with a typical HPC operating system (Linux), and some of the basic concepts of HPC. We will also provide users some key information that is specific to the logistics of this course.
  • Nuts and Bolts of HPC
    • During this week we will actually begin to use HPC infrastructure. Some concepts we will learn are - how to load software appropriately onto an HPC system, what the different types of nodes a user can expect to encounter on a system, and how to submit a job to conduct work, such as perform calculations.
  • Basic Parallelism
    • In this module, we will introduce users to the nuances of memory on a high performance computing system. We will also cover some ways to conduct work on a system most efficiently. We will also introduce some beginning components of parallel programming.
  • Evaluating Parallel Program Performance
    • In this module, we will continue to review topics related to using a high performance computing system most efficiently, including scaling your workflow measuring how efficient your work on a system is, and how to utilize as much of the computing resource as possible.