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Introduction to Engineering Mechanics

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Acerca de este curso

  • Forces and Particle Equilibrium
    • In this section, students will learn the definition of a force and how to represent a force as a vector in two (2D) and three (3D) dimensions. Students will learn the concept of particle equilibrium and equilibrium of systems of particles. Concepts will be reinforced with example problems.
  • Define and Calculate Moments
    • In this section, students will learn the definition of a moment. Students will calculate the moment of a force about a point, line or axis, and moment due to a couple.
  • Equilibrium and Equivalence of Force Systems
    • In this section, students will learn the equilibrium equations in two (2D) and three (3D) dimensions. Students will solve equivalent system problems. System force results will be defined and calculated.
  • Free Body Diagrams and Equilibrium Analysis Techniques
    • In this section, students will learn to analyze general equilibrium problems. Free Body Diagrams (FBD) will be defined. Concepts will be reinforced with example problems.
  • Application of Static Equilibrium Equations
    • In this section, students will apply the equilibrium equations to solve two (2D) and three (3D) real world engineering problems. There will be an extensive use of example problems to reinforce concepts from the course.