Introduction to building Web Pages using HTML5 and CSS3

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Acerca de este curso

  • Develop a Web Page using HTML5
    • In this learning sprint you will learn to structure a web page using HTML5 and you will also learn the anatomy of a web page , usage of various HTML elements and the tools used to build web pages quickly .
  • Develop a Web page using Semantic and HTML5 elements
    • In this learning sprint you will learn to semantically structure web pages which will make machines understand web pages. You will also learn how semantically designed web pages helps people with disabilities.
  • Style a Web page using basic CSS properties
    • In this learning sprint will learn to style your web pages using CSS , web pages with only information and no styles makes it less appealing.
  • Style a Web page using CSS box model properties
    • In this learning sprint you will learn how to apply spaces using CSS box model properties. Spaces have got it's unique importance in the design.