International Law In Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes

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  • Welcome to this course
    • Great that you are joining us! In this course you will learn about international criminal justice. The course starts with a short introduction module. To give you a better understanding what this course is about and help you study succesfully in an online course. If you encounter any difficulties while studying, please let us know in the forum. For technical difficulties or questions regarding the course certificate, you can always contact the Coursera Learner Helpdesk. Good luck & we hope you will enjoy this course!
  • The International Criminal Justice System: Core Concepts and Foundations
    • Welcome to the first module of this Course! This week, we will introduce you to some of the foundations and core concepts of the international criminal justice system. We will discuss international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes) and foundations of liability. We will relate the discussion to some of the challenges of the Lubanga case, the International Criminal Court's first ever trial.
  • The International Criminal Justice System: Justice Institutions and Procedures
    • In this second week we will examine justice institutions and the different stages of the justice process. We will study how major international criminal cases emerge. We will cover the role of different actors in the process, including prosecutorial strategies and legal and political challenges.
  • Trying Perpetrators
    • In this third week, we will focus on the criminal process, including the challenges faced by different actors. We will study how a trial unfolds. We will explore the role and perspective of the Defence and victims. We will then examine the role of the judge in international criminal proceedings. We will finally discuss the role of child soldiers as victims and perpetrators, including the experiences of the ICC in its first cases (Lubanga,Ongwen).
  • Remedying Wrong and Look to the Future
    • In this final week, we will explore how wrong can be remedied through trials, and how international criminal justice can be improved. After this week, you should be able to formulate a proposal on how international criminal justice can be enhanced.