Implement Polyglot Persistence Using SQL and NoSQL Databases

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  • Eliminate Data Redundancy Using Relational Data Model
    • Over the last 3 decades, RDBMS has been a stable database for large global corporations and small business. Most employers mandate SQL skills as a necessary check in their recruitment process. As a software engineer, you will be required and be able to work with MySQL database to create, store, query and analyze data from RDBMS.
      In this learning sprint, you will learn how to model data using the ER diagram. You will implement MySQL shell commands to perform CRUD operations. The hands-on exercises, in this learning sprint will also enable you to build RESTful APIs using Node.js and MySQL database.
  • Minimizing Impedance Mismatch Using NoSQL Database
    • For a customer facing system of engagement, it is crucial to have a database that can handle unstructured and unpredictable data. NoSQL document database like MongoDB fulfills this criteria.
      As a back-end programmer, you will be required to resolve the mismatch between the storage and application systems and accordingly model data to make processing efficient.
      In this learning sprint, you will identify steps to model data for MongoDB database. You will learn to setup MongoDB in local machines and perform CRUD operations using the shell commands. In addition, the hands-on exercises will help you gain experience with various techniques used to integrate MongoDB with Node.js RESTful APIs.