How to Write Your First Song

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Acerca de este curso

  • What's involved in songwriting?
    • Welcome to the course
    • Getting started
    • Writing your song
    • The songwriting challenge
  • Words, music and time
    • Welcome to Week 2
    • The five musical elements
    • Setting words to music
    • Time and pitch
    • The songwriting challenge
  • Working with melody
    • Welcome to Week 3
    • The ingredients of melody
    • What makes an effective melody?
    • The songwriting challenge
  • Chords and chord progressions
    • Welcome to Week 4
    • Major and minor chords
    • Chord types and chord progressions
    • The songwriting challenge
  • Song forms
    • Welcome to Week 5
    • Chorus, verse, refrain
    • The songwriting challenge
  • Putting the elements together
    • Welcome to Week 6
    • Arranging your song
    • Final course assessment
    • The songwriting challenge