How to Write a Resume (Project-Centered Course)

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to the Course & Resumes
    • Define course goals. Introduction about purpose of a resume, and when it might be used, and criteria for the peer-review rubric.
  • The Foundation of your Resume: A Self-Inventory
    • A top-to-bottom look at the typical sections of a resume. Different sections you might have on a resume, definition of transferable skills and how to pull those out of past experiences.
  • Writing Content for your Resume
    • How to write an action-statement, what makes a strong verb, how to maximize use of numbers and other characters, and common pitfalls of writing the content.
  • Piecing it all Together: Organization, Structure, Format
    • How to organize the sections on the document, foundations of strong structure and clear formatting.
  • Know your Industry
    • Different types of jobs are going to look for different headings, or different orders of sections for the optimal response from an employer. Define “Buzz Words” and show how to identify them in a job posting, and then implement them on the resume.
  • Best-Practices for your Resume from an Employer
    • Interview with an employer about how they approach a stack of resumes, what stands out in a good way, and what can leave a negative impression.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Common questions about resumes job-seekers might have, that may not have fit into our modules.