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How to Get Into AI

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  • Week 1. What is artificial intelligence, and how can it be used responsibly?
    • In this first week of the course, you'll get a brief history of artificial intelligence and some insight into how it can be used. You'll find out about large language models such as ChatGPT and the sorts of industries which use them, and you'll be having a go at using some artificial intelligence yourself! Then we'll turn out attention to some important issues around the the ethical, legal and social challenges of AI and how you can approach using AI in an ethical and responsible way.
  • Week 2. Understanding artificial intelligence in the workplace
    • In this week we will look at how artificial intelligence is used as a technology in three roles and explore how artificial intelligence is impacting these roles. While it is uncertain exactly what the impact of artificial intelligence will be in the long term on jobs, we know how artificial intelligence is impacting certain jobs currently and how workers are adapting and upskilling to incorporate it in their work. We will also look at the 'transferable skills' which will be essential for the future, working alongside artificial intelligence. You will learn what these skills are, how to acquire them and how you might demonstrate them when applying for jobs.