How to Apply to College

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Acerca de este curso

  • Starting the Journey to College
    • This module provides an introduction to the course and overview of the college application process , financial aid, and why college matters. Dr. Vereen will discuss the range of two-year to four-year colleges and levels of selectivity will be discussed to better understand potential college options for students.
  • Self-Assessment and Telling Your Story
    • This segment will take students through the journey of self-assessment through Dean Furda’s Assess Yourself framework of the 5 I’s (Identity, Ideas, Interests, Intellect, and Inspiration) and Assessing Colleges through the 4 C’s (Culture, Curriculum, Community, and Conclusions). Steppingstone Scholars’ staff and students will address how and why telling your story is important when applying to college.
  • Paying for College
    • This segment provides insight into the resources available to make college affordable with step-by-step exercises to enable students and families to apply for financial aid. Financial aid professionals and Steppingstone Scholars will discuss their experiences applying for financial aid. Viewers will also be introduced to for college scholarship resources and Pell Abacus to learn about college "net prices."
  • Exploring College Campuses: What To Consider
    • With a better understanding of ‘what to look for’ in colleges, viewers will gain insight and direction on college visiting opportunities, including ‘fly-in’ programs where colleges pay for your campus visit before you apply and after you are admitted. Steppingstone Scholars will bring participants through their visit experiences and Philadelphia area colleges will highlight their campuses and resources. Resources into the college search and scholarship process via College Greenlight are offered.
  • The Pieces of the College Application
    • In this segment, you will come into Dean Furda’s office and learn about the different forms of a college application and how to tell your personal narrative in each section. Students will discuss their experiences and expert advice will be shared by a senior member of The Common Application which serves a diverse membership of nearly 700 colleges and universities.
  • Transitions to College
    • This segment is the culmination of our journey together as you consider your college options and set yourself up for success in planning for the transition to college. The goal isn’t to ‘go to college,’ rather the goal is to ‘graduate from college.' Hear from faculty, academic advisors and students on how to navigate these transitions to maximize your experience and success.