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Game Design and Development 4: 3D Platformer

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  • Your Fourth Step into Game Design and Development
    • Are you ready to take the next step in your journey into game design and development? In this module, we will introduce the course and kick off your third game project, a 3D Platformer. In the first part of the assignment, follow along with the tutorial videos introduced in this module. In the second part of the project, you will modify the game to make it your own.
  • Fleshing Out a Game Design
    • Game making is about 10% inspiration and 90% execution. There's a significant difference between having an idea and beginning to turn that idea into something tangible. People often confuse the phrases "flushing out" and "fleshing out". Idea generation is about "flushing out" an idea. Design Documentation is focused on "fleshing out" your game idea or adding flesh to the skeleton of an idea to bring it to life. Idea generation (or ideation) and design documentation are the focus of this module.
  • Business and Society
    • This module is all about the impact of games on business and society. If you want to make a living at making games, it is important for you to understand the business side. And I encourage you, as an aspiring game developers, to ask questions about the social impact and context of your game. As a designer, it is important to think about the impact that your creativity could possibly have on the world.
  • Expanding Your Knowledge, Soul Searching and Finishing Up
    • In this last module, you will explore some additional resources, as well as do some soul searching on what your next step is related to game design and development. In this module, you will also finish up the 3D Platformer project, submit it for peer review, and peer review your fellow learners games. Finish the course strong!