Full Stack Application Development Capstone Project

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Acerca de este curso

  • Application - Static Pages
    • In this module, you will fork the GitHub repo containing the project template. This template includes the main Django application and a skeleton structure of the front-end and back-end. After that, you will clone the repo and work in the lab environment to create static pages for your dealership.
  • Application - User Management
    • In this module, you will create the user management system to allow users to register, login, and logout. You will also build your front-end for the Django Application to provide a graphic user interface (GUI) for user management.
  • Back End Services
    • In this module, you will implement some endpoints in the Express application that transact with MongoDB. You will then containerize the Mongo and Express server using Docker and run it. Further, you will also set up Car Make and Car Model with Django Models and populate the database. You will then deploy a sentiment analyzer to the IBM Code Engine. Finally, you will create proxy services to access these external services.
  • Application - Dynamic Pages
    • In this module, you will add dynamic pages with REACT components to list the dealerships, filter the dealerships by State, view dealer details, and add dealer reviews.
  • CI/CD, Containerize & Deploy to Kubernetes
    • In this module, you will set a CI/CD action flow for linting all the JS and Python files you have created. You will then run all the server-side components, including the Express-Mongo server in a Docker container and the sentiment analyzer serverless deployment on Code Engine. Finally, you will build the front-end REACT application and deploy the Django application on Kubernetes.
  • Share Your Project
    • In this module, you will submit your work for peer review and also perform one peer review using the provided rubric and grading scheme.
  • Enhancement of Car Dealership Portal
    • In this module, you will apply your knowledge to enhance your Car Dealerships website. The module includes three labs, each offering a different enhancement to your portal. In the first part, you’ll enhance the front-end of your application by adjusting logic and addressing styling-related elements. The second part will help you enhance your application by developing a new back-end car inventory microservice and integrating it with the Django app back end. The third part is where you’ll construct and integrate the front-end that corresponds to the back-end enhancement implemented in Part 2. Following this, you’ll be evaluating the output of your improved Django application.