FPGA Capstone: Building FPGA Projects

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Acerca de este curso

  • Hands on: Altera MAX10 Hardware Setup
    • In this module you will begin your hands-on exploration of FPGA design by setting up a target board, the DE10-Lite based on the MAX10 Intel Altera FPGA. In this module you will
       Setup and test the MAX10 board using the FPGA design tool Quartus Prime and the System Builder.
       Design and test a Binary Coded Decimal Adder Record all your observations in a lab notebook pdf.
       Submit your project files and lab notebook for grading.
      Completing this module will help prepare you for the work to be done in the modules that follow.
  • Develop a Mixed Signal System
    • The goal of this module is to develop a mixed-signal system. You will construct hardware that uses the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) inputs and Pulse Width Modulate (PWM) outputs to make a voltage measuring instrument. In this module you will
       Create a working design, using most aspects of the Quartus Prime Design Flow.
       Design and test a PWM Circuit, with verification by simulation.
       Design and test an ADC circuit, using Quartus Prime built-in tools to verify your circuit design.
       Record all your observations in a lab notebook pdf.
       Submit your project files and lab notebook for grading.
      Completing this module will help prepare you for the work to be done in the modules that follow.
  • Create a System on a Chip with NIOS II
    • The goal of this module is to develop the hardware for a System on a Chip (SoC). You will construct hardware that creates a NIOS II soft processor along with several interfaces to devices on the DE10-Lite development kit. In this module you will
       Create a working design, using most aspects of the Quartus Prime Design Flow.
       Create hardware for the NIOS II soft processor, including many interfaces, using Qsys (Platform Builder). Instantiate this design into a top-level DE10-Lite HDL file.
       Compile your completed hardware using Quartus Prime.
       Record all your observations in a lab notebook.
       Submit your project files and lab notebook for grading.
      Completing this module will provide a platform for the work to be done in the module that follows.
  • Software for a System on a Chip
    • The goal of this module is to develop the software for a System on a Chip (SoC). You will build software for a NIOS II soft processor you built in Module 3, using several interfaces to devices on the DE10-Lite development kit as well. In this module you will
       Enhance and test a working design, using most aspects of the Quartus Prime Design Flow and the NIOS II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse.
       Create software for the NIOS II soft processor, including many interfaces, using Qsys (Platform Builder) and the SBT.
       Compile your completed software using the SBT.
       Use Quartus Prime to program both the FPGA hardware configuration and software code in you DE10-Lite development kit. You will then test your new embedded system.
       Record all your observations in a lab notebook pdf.
       Submit your project files and lab notebook for grading.
      Completing this module will finish your work for this course.