First Principles of Computer Vision

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Acerca de este curso

Course 1: Camera and Imaging
- Offered by Columbia University. This course covers the fundamentals of imaging – the creation of an image that is ready for consumption or ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Features and Boundaries
- Offered by Columbia University. This course focuses on the detection of features and boundaries in images. Feature and boundary detection is ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: 3D Reconstruction - Single Viewpoint
- Offered by Columbia University. This course focuses on the recovery of the 3D structure of a scene from its 2D images. In particular, we are ... Enroll for free.

Course 4: 3D Reconstruction - Multiple Viewpoints
- Offered by Columbia University. This course focuses on the recovery of the 3D structure of a scene from images taken from different ... Enroll for free.

Course 5: Visual Perception
- Offered by Columbia University. The ultimate goal of a computer vision system is to generate a detailed symbolic description of each image ... Enroll for free.