Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II

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Acerca de este curso

  • Data Validation
    • We kick off this course with data validation and conditional formatting. This module takes you through creating and applying data validation, as well as working with formulas in data validation. This is followed by basic and advanced conditional formatting.
  • Conditional Logic
    • Excel has several logical functions and this module explores some of them. Start by learning the concept of conditional logic in formulas, followed by how to conduct logic tests and use conditional operations, to your benefit. We will also look at nested IF functions to evaluate data.
  • Automating Lookups
    • How do you find information from different parts of a workbook? This module introduces you to functions like CHOOSE, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH and other dynamic lookups to find and display data from several sources.
  • Formula Auditing and Protection
    • If you are worried that errors have crept into your worksheet, this module will show you how to check for errors, trace precedents and dependents, resolve circular references, and finally, protect your worksheets and workbooks from further harm.
  • Data Modelling
    • This module is all about data modelling. Learn to model different scenarios based on input, assumptions and/or outcomes. Also learn the use of functionalities like Goal Seek, Data Tables and the Scenario Manager to make your models more robust.
  • Recording Macros
    • We all love a bit of automation, and this module teaches you just that. By the time you have completed this module, you will be able to identify the uses of macros, as well as create, edit and manage them to increase your efficiency.
  • Final Assessment