Designing the Future of Work

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  • What is the Future of Work?
    • This week we will explain the scope, focus and assessment of the course, and introduce you to your instructor and the industry experts who have contributed to the content. The trajectory of technological disruption in the workplace will also be discussed, as well as explaining what impact these changes may have on your own professional context. We will explore some practical frameworks to help you analyse and forecast possible work futures, and discuss the importance of embracing the challenges they present.
  • The Importance of Being Human in a World of Automation
    • This week's content discusses what unique qualities make us human, and how these will become increasingly important in the workplace of the future where automation and artificial intelligence may begin to take over more routine tasks. Strategies for understanding how to develop effective human-machine relationships based upon types of tasks in your job are explored.
  • Designing the Future of Work
    • This week's content explores the principles of design thinking, and explains how you can use this technique to better understand the challenges your work faces due to technological disruption, how to better predict where the future will take you, and how to devise a strategy to ensure that you are in control of your own work future.
  • Industry and Academic Expert Video Profiles
    • Watch video profiles of the industry and academic experts who have contributed their insights and wisdom to this course. Get to know who they are, where they work, and what they do.