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Designing Learning Innovation

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  • Why Learning Innovation
    • The topic of this first week “Why should we carry out Learning Innovation” explores the concept of Learning Innovation and the reasons behind it, trying to find an answer to the question: “why should we need to innovate our teaching?”
  • The Intended Learning Outcomes
    • In this second week we will look into the topic of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) and their key role as a guide in the process of designing teaching experiences. We will start from the Constructive Alignment theory to then analyze the Dublin Descriptors and Bloom’s Taxonomies, useful in helping us to create a richer plan for the Intended Learning Outcomes.
  • The Assessment
    • The topic of this third week is Assessment of the teaching and learning experience.
  • The Pedagogical Frameworks
    • In this fourth week we will consider the pedagogical frameworks and their potential use when designing learning innovation.
  • The Learning Innovation Network: active classroom
    • In the fifth and sixth week we explore the Learning Innovation Network as a tool for designing teaching and learning experiences, developed by METID - Politecnico di Milano. It places at the center of attention the dynamic of interactions among subjects that generate the experience of teaching and learning. The Learning Innovation Network is for the teacher designer a tool for designing learning innovation: through the deconstruction of the learning experience in its key components (subjects, activities, contents, channels, outside world) it stimulates observation and offers ideas for redesigning. In this fifth week, we will focus, in particular, on the use of Networked Learning to plan learning innovation, starting by identifying and representing the subjects of teaching and learning experience and the definition and description of learning activities for active classes. In the sixth week, the focus will be on the designing of contents, of communication channels and strategies to integrate the “outside world” in order to support teaching and learning activities, and monitoring the innovative experience of teaching-learning.
  • The Learning Innovation Network: contents and useful connections
    • In the fifth and sixth week we explore the Learning Innovation Network tool for teaching and learning design, developed by METID - Politecnico di Milano, that sets the dynamic of interactions between subjects that generate the experience of teaching and learning and use them at the center of attention.
      The Learning Innovation Network is for the teacher designer a tool for the design of learning innovation: through the deconstruction of the learning experience in its key components (subjects, activities, content, channels, outside world) it stimulates observation and offers ideas for redesigning. After identifying and describing the subjects in the teaching and learning experience, in this sixth week we are going to focus on the planning related to content, channels of communication and strategies to integrate the “outside world” as well as monitoring finalized to assess the efficacy of teaching innovation interventions.