Cybersecurity and the X-Factor

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  • Introduction to the X-Factor
    • The X-factor within information security is human behavior within and outside your organization. Our introduction includes an overview of information security management and its goals as well as describing the problem created by non-malicious insider behavior. We include discussion about the purpose of training within organizational cybersecurity efforts and whether it is achieving its purpose.
  • Security Education: Training & Awareness
    • Within this topic we will discuss traditional training efforts. Security education, training and awareness (SETA) programs are designed to reduce the incidence of accidental security breaches. Through the readings you will learn about the design and delivery of these programs as well as various training techniques. This module concludes with a discussion about your experience and opinion about organizational security training.
  • Reasons Why Traditional Training Efforts Fail
    • In this module you will understand why traditional training efforts through SETA programs may fail. You will learn about human behavior and how understanding it can help managers better leverage their security efforts. Finally, through the readings you will also see that this is a global issue. The readings present examples of existing awareness campaigns in U.K., in Australia, in Canada and Africa.
  • Threat Intelligence
    • We will conclude by identifying some novel problems and practices that organizations are experiencing. You will learn about hactivism, cyberinsurance, and ransomware through popular press readings about recent security problems that landed companies on the front page.