Curanderismo: Traditional Healing Using Plants

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to Curanderismo: The Art of Traditional Medicine, Interviews with Traditional Healers.
    • In this module, students will learn basic concepts about traditional medicine. They will view interviews on Curanderismo from scholars, Drs. Eliseo “Cheo” Torres and Arturo Ornelas and curanderas Tonita Gonzales and Rita Navarrete.
  • Plants of the Southwest, Medicinal Plants for the Digestive System.
    • The second module discusses the origin of plants of the Southwest and their usage for the digestive system. In traditional medicine, herbs and plants can restore and cure illnesses and improve a healthy life style.
  • Medicinal Plants for the Nervous System, Tinctures and Microdosis.
    • Leticia will demonstrate how to apply plants for the nervous system, Tonita will show the preparation of some alcohol-based tinctures and water-based microdosis, and the ingredients involved in the preparation and a proper usage of them.
  • Juice Therapy | Jugoterapia, Geotherapy
    • Rita and Tonita offer a combination of fruits, plants, seeds and water to enhance the body’s health by means of activating energy, metabolism, enhancing the immunologic system and increasing antioxidation. Tonita demonstrates Geotherapy as a healing practice and the combination of clay and plants for a number of illnesses.
  • Healing with Herbal Oils, Herbal Smoke for Healing.
    • Healers demonstrate body therapy using herbal oils. Students will learn to origin of Moxa usage and the different types of it. Professor Torres concludes the course by summarizing the modules.