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Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification

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  • An introduction to gentrification
    • Welcome to the course. This week we will consider what the term gentrification means and how the meaning of the term has changed over time. We will identify key debates and key thinkers and ask you to critically reflect upon your own pre-conceptions about what gentrification means.
  • Gentrification deconstructed
    • This week we will take the time to look at some of the key gentrification debates in a bit more detail. We will consider economic, social, and cultural dimensions to gentrification before concluding by looking at gentrification as an issue of race and social justice.
  • How do you research gentrification?
    • This week is an opportunity to find out about cutting-edge gentrification research. In a series of interviews conducted in January 2021, we learn about (i) the kind of research being undertaken and how it contributes to gentrification studies, (ii) how researchers define what gentrification means to them in their work; (iii) how the absence/presence of gentrification is measured and how case studies are selected; and (iv) what motivates researchers to work in this area.
  • Back home
    • In this final week of the course we will have a chance to take stock to reflect upon what you've learnt and the skills you've acquired. We will review some of the strategies that have emerged to resist gentrification and hear some expert advice on how to study gentrification. The week will conclude with some suggestions about the ways in which you might deploy you newly acquired knowledge and skills.