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Creating a Multi Page App using HTML & CSS

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  • Project Overview
    • By the end of this project, you will be able to create a multi app with three pages using HTML and CSS. You will be able to use the div tag to split your page to sections, h1, h2 and h3 tags, to write a title as headline. The P tag to write a paragraph or one line. The A tag to add a link or connect pages with each other and finally, the unordered lists ul tag to make a list. Then , you will be able to style these tags and add colors, background, change the font size and add some elements to right of the page and ones to left and many other properties. As HTML and CSS are the foundational languages of the web. HTML is a markup language that is used for developing web pages. CSS is a language that defines the presentation of a document written in HTML.
      Learning to use HTML and CSS enables you to better understand any website, gain more money as a web developer freelancer and finally Learn Other Coding Languages Easier and Faster