Chronically Ill in an Emergency: Why Mental Health Matters

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Acerca de este curso

  • Overview of MHPSS and NCD Prevention and Care in Humanitarian Response
    • This module will provide you with an overview of MHPSS and NCD prevention and care in humanitarian response. We will start by discussing the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health and the burden and risk factors associated with mental ill-health and other NCDs globally and in humanitarian settings. Then we will discuss the shift from the 4x4 approach (four major NCDs plus four modifiable risk factors) to the 5x5 approach (including mental ill-health and environmental risk factors). Consequently, we will explore factors that worsen mental ill-health in humanitarian responses as well as the role of psychosocial support in improving mental health and well-being. Finally, we will discuss the nature and role of agency in recovery from mental ill-health and other NCDs.
  • What is Being Done in Integrating MHPSS and NCD Prevention and Care
    • In this module, we will focus on exploring what is being done and at what level to address comorbidity of mental ill-health and other NCDs in in primary health care in humanitarian settings. We will also seek the answer to what is the role of policy measures and community-based programmes to promote mental and physical well-being as well as ensuring continued access to care. Finally, yet importantly, we will discuss various approaches for integrating MHPSS and NCD prevention and care in humanitarian response, including a case from Kenya.
  • Lessons Learned from Integrating MHPSS and NCD Prevention and Care
    • Diverse challenges posed by humanitarian response include varied demographics of the populations affected, the range of mental ill-health and other NCDs, and ethical dilemmas regarding prioritization of MHPSS and NCD prevention and care. In this module, we will discuss these challenges, as well as the opportunities and lessons learned for delivering MHPSS and NCD prevention and care in humanitarian response. We will also look at the impact of COVID-19 to keep MHPSS and NCD prevention and care.