Chinese for HSK 2

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Acerca de este curso

  • Week 1 Talk about your daily life 1
    • This week we will be learning expressions related to our daily life,like introducing yourself and meeting each other,daily activities and hobbies. (37 new words,10 grammar points)
  • Week 2 Talk about your daily life 2
    • This week we will be continuing our learning with daily life expressions, including topics like the weather, habits, dining, shopping , etc. (36 new words,13 grammar points)
  • Week 3 Help and ask for help
    • This week we will be learning basic questions relate to studying, asking for direction and ways of asking for help as well as expressing gratitude. (38 new words,12 grammar points)
  • Week 4 Invitation and Reply
    • This week we will be learning the way of inviting and responding someone in Chinese, as well as expressions regarding acceptance or refusal. (34 new words,10 grammar points)
  • Week 5 Ask for opinions, comments and suggestion
    • This week we will be discussing the ways of asking for opinions, comments and making suggestions, as well as topics relate to health, eating habits, learning difficulties, etc. (32 new words,10 grammar points)
  • Week 6 Discussion personal experience and feelings
    • This is the last week of our learning. The previous three lessons will be discussion on personal life experience and thoughts, such as celebrating a birthday, traveling, etc. The last lesson will be reviewing all vocabulay and grammars from the past six weeks. These vocabulary and sentences are retrieved form HSK level 2 outline. (24 new words, 7 grammar points, + Review)
  • Final Test
    • In this week, your task is to take the final exam. If you have passed all the quizzes in the previous weeks, there won’t be any problems for you to pass the final test and the real HSK2 test.