Capstone: Data Science Problem in Linear Algebra Framework

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Acerca de este curso

  • Introduction to Specialization and Course
    • In module 1, you’ll learn about the steps you will take to complete the Capstone Project. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Data Wrangling & Using the PCA Function
    • Let’s recap! In module 1, you were introduced to the Capstone project and Tasks 1-4. In module 2, you’ll complete Task 1: Data wrangling and Task 2: Use PCA to reduce the number of dimensions. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Run Your Model and Interpret Your Results
    • Let’s recap! In module 2, you learned how to complete Tasks 1 & Task 2. In module 3, you will learn how to complete Task 3: Run your regression model and Task 4: Interpret the results from your model. We will cover the following learning objectives.
  • Peer Review: Interpreting Results Using Your Model
    • Welcome to the final module of this course! Over the past 3 modules, you have been introduced to and gained knowledge on the following topics: Data wrangling (Task 1),Use PCA to Reduce the Number of Dimensions (Task 2), Run your regression model (Task 3) and, Interpret the results from your model (Task 4). In this final module you will prepare your final Capstone Project, submit it, discuss what you learned and complete peer reviews. We will cover the following learning objectives.