Building User Interfaces Using Functional React Components

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  • Build React Components using Functions and React Hooks
    • "A component is the fundamental unit of an SPA which is reusable as it can exist independently. In React, the state of the component is managed within the component. It is therefore recommended to develop a reusable stateful logic that can be used by multiple components. As a React developer, you need to create function components that support Hooks for creating reusable stateful logic .In this learning sprint, you will explore built-in React Hooks and develop custom Hooks with reusable stateful logic. The hands-on assignments included in this learning sprint will enable you to manage state in function components, create side effects like fetching data from the server or handling timer events using built-in React Hooks. You will also learn to develop reusable stateful logic using custom Hooks."
  • Test Custom Hooks Using React Hooks Testing Library
    • "Any unit of the code written should be testable. In React, the custom Hooks help to develop reusable stateful logic and hence, as a developer you should write a test code to test the custom Hooks.In this learning sprint, you will explore the functionalities provided by the react-hooks-testing-library for testing custom Hooks. The hands-on assignments included with the sprint will enable you to write test cases to test custom Hooks that manage the state of the component with event triggers, asynchronous server calls and change in props or context values."