Building Alliances in Global Health: From Global to Local

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Acerca de este curso

  • Case Study: Polio Eradication Basics
    • In this module, we will begin with an overview of the course. To consider strategies for global disease eradication, as a case study, we will cover the basics of poliovirus and polio eradication — the reason that we are doing this is that choosing eradication, rather than control, as a strategy had deep impacts on the way global and community partnerships have played out in the polio program. It's important to understand how the characteristics of a disease, and the strategy chosen to address it, affect everything from global partnerships to local communication strategies. This information will be particularly useful in the coming weeks as we begin to understand how the global initiative came together.
  • Global Alliance for Public Health
    • In this module, we will explore the history of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative - how it came together, the key actors involved, and how it has evolved over three decades. This will allow us to consider challenges faced by global health alliances. We will round the week out with strategies for successful alliance building across the global, national, and community levels.
  • Policy Engagement and Influence
    • In this module, we will explore the role of policy engagement in a global disease control program. We will begin by understanding the core pillars of the polio eradication effort, then we will dive into the process of health policymaking and its key constructs. You will have a chance to learn about and complete a stakeholder and context analysis - both key tools! We'll round the week out with a roundtable discussion on policy engagement strategies in conflict settings.
  • Health Communications and Behavior Change
    • In this module, we will delve into key principles for health communications in supporting a global disease control program. We will begin with understanding the challenge of vaccine derived polioviruses, since that is a major communications challenge for the program. After exploring the basics of communications, we will explore some unintended consequences of communciation plans and strategies experienced by the program.
  • Community Engagement
    • In this module, we will begin with exploring approaches for effectively engaging communities, focusing particularly on the example of the Social Mobilization Network in India - a unique and interesting initiative! We will then apply these approaches to different scenarios, considering marginalized populations and conflict settings. We will round the week out with a discussion on applying lessons from polio to non-polio efforts.