Being a researcher (in Information Science and Technology)

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    Guía de Registro en Coursera

Acerca de este curso

  • WEEK 1 - Research and its context
    • Week 1 has an introductory and motivational purpose. It faces the following questions: What is science? What is scientific research? What is the relation between scientific progress and the progress of society? What is the relation between research and innovation? Why should researchers engage themselves publicly?
  • WEEK 2 - Research Methodology
    • Week 2 focuses on research methods. It discusses the interplay between invention — the creative act that identifies an interesting open problem and a possible solution — and validation — the meticulous process through which the identified solution is critically evaluated. It briefly discusses the historical evolution of the notion of a “scientific method”, through which research results are validated, mainly developed in the context of physical and natural sciences. Then it broadens the analysis to other kinds of research, and in particular ICST research.
  • WEEK 3 - The products of research: publications and beyond
    • The results of research (its products) are used to develop further research and lead to industrial innovations and societal changes. Week 3 focuses on the diffusion process of research products. The main way of diffusing research results is through scientific publications. The traditional publication process is analysed and recent trends towards open access are also discussed. Other kinds of research products, which take the form of artifacts, like data sets or research prototypes, are also discussed.
  • WEEK 4 - The researcher's progress
    • Week 4 focuses on the researcher’s career progress in his/her professional life, from being a researcher-in-formation to becoming a junior independent researcher to maturing into an established research leader. In particular, it discusses the skills one needs to acquire and provides tips of advice on how to progress successfully.
  • WEEK 5 - Evaluating research
    • Week 5 focuses on evaluation in research. Evaluation is key to research, as for any intrinsically competitive human endeavor. Researchers are evaluated for hiring, funding, and promotion. Research units (groups, departments) are also evaluated for funding. Even global institutions (like universities) are evaluated and ranked internationally. Traditionally, evaluation is performed via peer review. Increasingly, other forms of evaluation based on quantitative indicators — such as bibliometric indicators — have been emerging and are increasingly used. Quantitative indicators are discussed and critically analyzed.
  • WEEK 6 - Research ethics
    • Week 6 focuses on the ethical issues involved in doing research. It defines the notions of ethics and misconduct. It discusses misconduct in proposing, performing, reviewing research or reporting research, focusing in particular on plagiarism, breach of confidentiality, conflict of interest. Possible ethical aspects involved in the specific research are also discussed. Research can involve or affects humans, other organisms, or the environment. This is traditionally well understood, e.g. in life sciences. Increasingly research in all areas of technology is getting closer to humans and touches ethical sensitive issues.