AI for Medical Prognosis

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Acerca de este curso

  • Linear Prognostic Models
    • Build a linear prognostic model using logistic regression, then evaluate the model by calculating the concordance index. Finally, improve the model by adding feature interactions.
  • Prognosis with Tree-based Models
    • Tune decision tree and random forest models to predict the risk of a disease. Evaluate the model performance using the c-index. Identify missing data and how it may alter the data distribution, then use imputation to fill in missing data, in order to improve model performance.
  • Survival Models and Time
    • This week, you will work with data where the time that a disease occurs is a variable. Instead of predicting just the 10-year risk of a disease, you will build more flexible models that can predict the 5 year, 7 year, or 10 year risk.
  • Build a Risk Model Using Linear and Tree-based Models
    • This week, you will fit a linear model, and a tree-based risk model on survival data, to customize a risk score for each patient, based on their health profile. The risk score represents the patient’s relative risk of getting a particular disease. You will then evaluate each model’s performance by implementing and using a concordance index that incorporates time to event and censored data.