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Python Scripting: Files, Inheritance, and Databases

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  • File Input and Output
    • In this module, we look at how we can persist data to files so that it will exist beyond a single execution of a program. We will look at how we can write data to files in both text and binary formats. We follow-up with ways to read that data back into the state of an executing program.
  • Inheritance
    • In this module, we look at how to implement the is-a relationships we modeled earlier in our UML diagrams through the use of Inheritance. Inheritance provides additional ways to abstract code in taxonomies where base classes share code with specialized versions of the classes. We will add a discussion about exceptions work in Visual Basic now that we can discuss inheritance.
  • Python Libraries to Access Databases
    • In this module, we extend our scripting tool chest by looking at libraries available for Python to access a database.
  • Additional Python Libraries
    • In this module, we continue our exploration of tools available in Python scripting to solve information technology problems. We will explore libraries for plotting data, processing lists of data quickly and analyzing, cleaning, exploring, and manipulating data.