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Digital business - Grow on digital world

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Acerca de este curso

  • New business models, new perimeters
    • Hello ! We are delighted to welcome you for this course. During the next 3 weeks, we will show you how to grow on digital world. Let's start by providing you with information on the topics covered during the first week : When it comes to business models, the digital world has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities. Companies are setting up in unique ways, with unprecedented configurations. With new technology, they can design, produce and distribute products and services following new codes, which are likely to radically transform the way that value is created and shared among players within a same ecosystem.You will need to be aware of these changes in order to more reliably assess the strategies adopted by digital companies.
  • Regulating the digital innovation
    • Hello ! We hope you enjoyed the first week of the course.
      Welcome to the second week of the course. After having dealt with "new business models", we are going to tackle the subject of "regulation". Digital transformations are often discussed in terms of their impact on the economy. But we should never forget that these economic upheavals always involve legal considerations. Digital regulation plays a crucial role: it can either boost or slow down innovation. It also influences how digital players position themselves, based on what can be done or, on the contrary, what is prohibited. You must be familiar with the key principles of digital regulation in order to comprehensively assess changes observed.
  • The value of digital innovation
    • Hello ! The end of the course is approaching. You have one week left. During this third and last week, we would like to discuss about "the value of digital innovation". Much of the value created by digital products and services is immaterial. Software, online services, platforms… All these assets holding up the digital economy are intangible. This immateriality naturally raises the question of the value of these assets. It is worth noting that the Internet has always been the target of recurring criticism regarding the value created online. The bubble of the 2000s and the fleeting or gimmicky nature of some start-up pitches certainly have not done much for the credibility of digital products’ and services’ value. To fully understand the digital world, you need to be clear about how to assess the value created by digital technology. You also need to be able to tell a bubble from a healthy, sustainable fundamental.